Latest Expert Insights

Is a second recession now a genuine risk? | Property Insiders

11 ways you can think like the rich

When the boom is over

 Property booms don’t all finish in the same way. Booms where investors have been heavily involved can become superheated bubbles and then they bust, with prices crashing. In fact, as price growth comes to an end, we can expect the usual dire warnings of an imminent property market crash to make headlines in the media.

Who are the drivers of property booms and busts?

Rent money is NOT dead money

Brisbane rents to rise $5,000

What do you really want? HINT – It’s not a property!

Sellers are abandoning our housing markets as lockdowns bite | Property Insiders

The Australian suburbs where you can buy property on an average income

FOMO mistakes investors make

40 Warren Buffett quotes every investor needs to know

How much would Australia's property prices have risen without COVID-19?

Cash flow booms are coming

How are our property markets coping with lockdown? | Property Insiders

Adapt to new phase or look elsewhere

Australia is home to the world's best city to work from home

Aiming for lots of land misses the point

Is a housing shortage really looming? | Property Insiders

Buying at the bottom might not work out

Are we really buying a $1 Billion worth of properties each day? | Property Insiders

Here's how to invest in our booming property markets

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