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This is why FOMO is driving up property prices

Our property markets have been surging this year with double digit growth in sight for all our capital cities.

Property Investors are back in the market | Property Insiders

I took some time over the long weekend to look at some articles and commentary that came out just a year ago when the GVC (Great Virus Crisis) was just beginning.

Aussie wealth soars on the back of booming property prices | Property Insiders

It’s been a busy week for property news, but despite all the good news, the pessimists are still out there throwing out headlines like:

Australian suburbs with highest and lowest life expectancy

7 property trends we can expect in 2021

Debt recycling: How to earn money from your debt

Is it time to put regional property on your search list?

What's on earth is going on with Australian property prices?!

Busting some media property myths | Property Insiders

This is what will stop property price growth | Property Insiders

This is what it takes to be in the top 1% of wealthy people

Can property values really rise 20% in the next 2 years | Property Insiders

We're on the cusp of a property boom | Property Insiders

Some people are going to start calling this a "Property Bubble"

The pieces to the property puzzle are falling into place. Here's what's ahead for property in 2021

What property lessons did you learn in 2020?

Ten lessons I learned from past property downturns that we can use in 2021

Is successful property investing an art or a science?

Twenty 2020 lessons you don't want to forget

What’s really behind rising house prices?

New housing trend: Aussies want more space

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